Advanced Materials Research Group (AMRG)
Advanced Materials Research Lab/Group (AMRL) has started functioning since the inception of Computational Nanoscience and Technology Laboratory (CNTL) established at ABV-IIITM under the Faculty Initiation Grant sanctioned in August 2008.
The group is involved in theortetical computation of Phase Transitions, Electronic, Structural, Elastic, Optical and Transport properties of bulk as well as nanomaterials, and experimental synthesis and characterization of composite nanowires for various electronic applications.
We have a good repository of computational tools such as VASP, WIEN2K, SIESTA, Quantum ESPRESSO, QuantumATK, Gaussian09, SIMON and Materials Studio.
The AMRG, has its national as well as international collaborations for joint research activities on materials modeling and progressing very fast with the kind support of its own institutution (ABV-IIITM) and various eminent scientist of India and abroad. AMRG is exactly in line with the vision of CNTL to develop and apply cutting-edge theoretical and computational methods and the best available computing resources in attacking challenging problems related to the selection of suitable materials and devices for various IT applications.
Laboratory is involved in condensed-matter, materials physics and specifically on nano materials and nano devices. This includes modeling and simulation of wide variety of materials and their properties, ranging from novel semiconductors to the biological and soft matter.
The CNTL, Laboratory has completed its almost eight years, strives at a multiscale approach to condensed-matter and materials research, ranging from the quantum world of ångströms and femtoseconds to macroscopic length and time scales. In addition, the work carried out at CNTL involves research into theoretical methods as well as simulation and computing techniques, such as algorithms, parallel and grid computing, and scientific visualisation.
Besides the understanding the fundamental physics and chemistry of materials both at bulk as well as nano dimensions, two individual groups at CNTL also works the nano safe management, which includes the variety of possible technology/material related threat alarms to the industries and communities.